Services & Procedures

Comprehensive Eye Exams
Our adult and children’s eye exams are thorough and comprehensive in order to find any conditions before they turn into significant problems. We specialize in refraction, ocular motility, and evaluation of ocular health. Diagnosis and treatment options are thoroughly discussed with each patient, allowing our patients to make informed and educated decisions about their eye care.

Refractive Services
Refractive eye surgery is any eye surgery used to improve the refractive state of the eye and decrease or eliminate dependency on glasses or contact lenses. This can include various methods of surgical remodeling of the cornea or cataract surgery. Dr. Mont Cartwright and Medical Eye Associates currently offers several refractive surgical procedures.

Aesthetic Services
Aesthetics, by definition, is an expression of beauty. We offer several non-invasive cosmetic procedures that are designed to release your inner beauty. We have a state-of-the-art facility with a devoted staff that provides the highest standard of care. We offer the most recent advances in the field of aesthetics to make you feel your best with minimally invasive treatments with little or no downtime!

Oculoplastic Facial Surgical Services
Dr. Mont Cartwright, M.D., is a uniquely qualified physician having trained in both ophthalmology and plastic surgery. Dr. Cartwright is known as one of Central Florida’s premier ophthalmologists and oculofacial plastic, cosmetic, and reconstructive surgeons. His expertise in the field has led him to write over 70 medical publications, conduct numerous lectures, and participate in multiple speaking engagements.

Complete List of Services & Procedures

Repair lacerations/leaks suturing, tectonic grafts
Foreign body removal
Refractive procedures-Lasik, PRK, Lasik
Limbal relaxing incisions DSAEK etc
Pterygium excision with grafts
Transplants all types
Anterior chamber
Hyphema evacuation
Foreign body removal

Iridectomy, Iridotomy, iridoplasty
Excision lesion
Repair of prolapse
Repair of dialysis
Laser surgery Synechiolysis

Cataract surgery any type with or without implant
Implant repositioning, exchange
Capsulotomy manual or laser
Vitrectomy Repair detachment all types
Cryopexy, diathermy
Laser treatment retinal disease
Removal foreign body
Membrane stripping Endolaser

Repair laceration
Lesion removal

Repair laceration
Lesion excision

Lacrimal System
Punctal surgery
Irrigation/probing with or without tubes
Plastic repair
Tumor removal
Turbinectomy any technique
Lacrimal gland surgery

Extraocular Muscles
Strabismus procedures
Biopsy, tumor excision
Repair lost muscle, tears etc

Orbitotomy with or without bone flap
Lesion removal, biopsy, drainage (abscess, hematoma)
Fracture repair and associated facial fractures
Socket reconstruction with flaps or grafts
Enucleation, evisceration, exenteration

Repair lacerations
Lesion excision
Reconstruction flaps or grafts
Tarsorrhaphy, severing tarsorrhaphy
Ptosis repair
Ectropion/entropion repair
Trichiasis repair

Ciliary Body
Cyclocryo, cyclophotocoagulation, endocyclophotocoagulation

Glaucoma Surgery
Trabeculectomy any type penetrating or nonpenetrating
Aqueous shunts/valves any type

Exam under anesthesia
Ocular blocks any type
Temporal artery biopsy

Oculofacial Surgery
Repair of orbitofacial fractures any type, any technique
Repair of facial lacerations
Orbital decompression surgery
Facial lesion excision/reconstruction, flaps, grafts
Harvesting of grafts for facial reconstruction i.e. extremities (fasa lata, sural nerve), skin grafts, temporalis fascia, cranial bone, oral mucosal, ear/nasal cartilage, dermis and or fat
Facial spasmodic surgery i.e. facial nerve ablation
Facial cosmetic/reconstructive surgery i.e. rhytidectomy (face, brow neck, face/neck liposuction)
Nasal/sinus surgery as related to orbital disease
Endoscopic surgery
Sinus surgery/endoscopy as related to orbitolacrimal disease

Additional Plastic Procedures
Chemical Peel/Dermal
Chin Reconstruction
Facelift/Facial Sling/Reanimation
Facial Implants
Hair Removal/Transplantation
Permanent Lash Liner
Endoscopic surgery (brow, facial, sinus)
Laser Skin Resurfacing/Treatments (CO2, Erbium/Yag, Pulsed Tunable Dye, KPT)
Remove skin cancer with reconstruction any method, facial/neck area