Temporal arteritis, also known as Giant-cell arteritis (GCA) or Horton disease is an inflammatory disease of blood vessels, most commonly involving large and medium arteries of the head. This condition is an inflammation of the arteries throughout the body. It can begin with a severe headache, pain when chewing, and tenderness or swelling in the temple area. It may later be followed by sudden vision loss, usually in one eye.Read More →

The eyelids help protect your eyes, spread tears over its surface, and limit the amount of light that can get in. Blinking also helps move dirt or other particles off the surface of the eye. You close your eyelids when you see something coming towards your eyes. This can help protect against injuries. Like any other parts of our body, eyelids can get infected, inflamed, or even develop cancer. OtherRead More →

Your cornea is the clear, dome-shaped outermost layer of the eye. The cornea helps to shield the rest of the eye from germs, dust, other harmful matter and It helps to focus the light coming in. Contact lenses, if you wear them, float on top of your corneas. Problems with the cornea include: • Allergies • Refractive errors • Injuries • Infections • Dystrophies Treatments include adjusting your eyeglass prescription,Read More →

Conjunctivitis, also called Pink Eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface. The lining of the eye is usually clear. If irritation or infection occurs, the lining becomes red and swollen. Pink eye is very common. People of all ages can get conjunctivitis. It can be caused by infection, exposure to chemicals and irritants or allergies, and it usually is notRead More →

In a healthy eye, a balance exists between the fluid produced, and the fluid that leaves the eye. This balance keeps the eye pressure at a healthy level. In order to maintain this balance, the eye has a built in drainage system. This drainage system controls the inflow and outflow of the fluids, which is responsible for nourishing the eye. When the natural drainage of the eye becomes obstructed, theRead More →

A cataract is a clouding of the lens inside the eye, causing vision loss that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or LASIK. As frightening as cataracts might sound, modern cataract surgery usually can restore vision lost to cataracts and often can reduce your dependence on eyeglasses as well.

Too many tears can come from being sensitive wind, light, or temperature changes. Tearing may also mean that you have a more serious problem, such as a blocked tear duct or an eye infection. Our physicians at Medical Eye Associates can treat or correct both of these conditions.

Vitreous floaters (eye floaters, vitreous opacities) are little “cobwebs” or specks that float about in your field of vision. They are tiny, cloudy clumps of cells that appear in the otherwise clear fluid (vitreous) that fills the back three-fourths of the eye. People see eye floaters as small specks, cobwebs, or clouds moving in their field of vision. They move as your eyes move and seem to dart away whenRead More →

Presbyopia is when you lose the ability to clearly see close objects and small print. It’s a natural process that happens slowly over a lifetime which happens age 40. Presbyopia might be corrected with reading glasses.

Dry eye syndrome occurs when your eye doesn’t make enough quality tears to keep your eye moist and comfortable. Dry eye syndrome is a nuisance and can be uncomfortable, causing itching and burning. Very seldom they can lead to some loss of vision.