Symptoms of Cataract

Symptoms of Cataract
The main symptom people with cataract experience is a clouded-like vision, which has been described as looking through a frosty or fogged-up window. Some of the signs include:
• Clouded or blurred vision
• Difficulty seeing at night
• Sensitivity to light
• Glare
• Feeling of not having enough light for reading and other activities
• Seeing “halos” around lights at night
• Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription
• Fading or yellowing of colors
• Double vision in a single eye

What you see when your vision is affected by Cataract.
What you see when your vision is affected by Cataract.

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Cataract Symptoms Overview Vignette.

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Call Medical Eye Associates at 888-899-8757 to schedule your eye exam with Dr. Cartwright, if you notice any changes in your vision, such as flashes of light, sudden eye pain, double vision, or a sudden headache.